Netwing VPN
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Netwing VPN APK for PUBG Mobile (Latest Version)

Netwing is an app for Android that lets you use VPNs to keep your internet safe. It works with many VPN services and has cool features to help your battery and protect your data.

NameNetwing VPN
PublisherNetwing VPN
Size 99 MB
Version 1.4.87
MOD Info PUBG Mobile Tool
MOD Info
  • PUBG Mobile Tool
  • Latest Version
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Stay Secure on the Go: OpenVPN Connect for Android

Netwing VPN is a special app for your Android phone. It helps you use the internet privately with a VPN. It does not come with its own VPN but works with others to protect your data. With this app, you can connect to a safe internet tunnel. It’s useful for people who work away from the office or use public Wi-Fi.

Netwing VPN APK

Take Control of Your Battery Life

Netwing VPN APK is smart. It can help your phone’s battery last longer. When you’re not using the VPN, it sleeps. This means it does not use your battery much. It wakes up only when you need it. This way, you can stay safe online without worrying about your phone dying quickly.

IPV6 Support for Modern Devices

Nowadays, many phones and internet things use IPV6. It’s the latest thing for using the internet. Netwing APK is ready for this. It supports IPV6, so if your network uses this, the app can handle it. This makes sure you have a safe and smooth experience on the internet.

Easy Setup and Importing

Getting started with Netwing for PUBG is easy. You can bring in your VPN settings in many ways like from an SD card, a special server called Access Server, or even a web link. This means you can get protected quick with just a few taps on your phone screen. Super simple and fast!

Netwing for PUBG

Android Keychain Integration for Secure Storage

Net Wing APK works well with Android Keychain. This is like a safe on your phone that locks up your passwords and keys. The app uses Keychain to keep your VPN keys safe. This way, only the right people can use the VPN you set up on your phone.

Pro Tips and Tricks for Netwing VPN

  1. Keep Your App Updated: Always use the latest version. New updates can fix bugs and give you new features.
  2. Choose Reliable Servers: Pick good servers for faster and safer connections. If you have the option, look for ones near you.
  3. Wi-Fi vs. Mobile Data: Know when to use Wi-Fi and when to use your data plan. VPNs can use lots of data, so Wi-Fi is usually better if you can get it.
  4. Battery Saver Mode: Use the battery saver mode when you’re not using your VPN much. It can make your phone last longer.
  5. Backup Your Configurations: Sometimes save your VPN settings. If you change phones or reset yours, this can save you time.

Net Wing APK

Pros and Cons


  • Secure: Keeps your info safe on public Wi-Fi.
  • Battery-Friendly: It has a mode to help your phone battery last longer.
  • Easy Setup: Bring in VPN settings simply, from many places.
  • Modern Tech: Works with the latest internet stuff like IPV6.


  • No Built-In VPN: You need to find your own VPN service to use with it.
  • Can Be Complex: Setting up for the first time might be hard if you don’t know much about VPNs.

Netwing APK


Netwing VPN helps keep your internet usage safe and private on Android phones. It takes care of your battery, is friendly with your Android phone’s safe key storage, and is ready for the new internet tech like IPV6. Although you’ll need to pick your own VPN service, the security and features it offers are worth it.

Ready to keep your internet life safe? Try out Netwing VPN! Remember to be smart – update often, choose good servers, and use Wi-Fi when you can. Enjoy a safe online world with just a few taps on your phone! Download Netwing VPN APK for Android today!

Get Netwing VPN

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You are now ready to download Netwing VPN for free. Here are some notes:

  • Please read our MOD Info and installation instructions carefully for the game & app to work properly
  • Read the FAQ carefully for more details
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